So I finally decided that I would put more pictures up. After the constant hounding from a certain person:)
These are some pictres of my Helo ride. Pretty awesome!!! The pilots had some fuel to burn so they took us up and I was one of the lucky people to get to ride.
Here is a picture looking out the window of the HELO... the funny thing is, I am looking straight out if the helo. We are just turning so sharp that it looks like I am looking at the ground. It was pretty awesome, I haven't experienced anything quite like it before.
Here is a picture of the hospital from the helo, it looks small but we do pretty well.
This is a picture of the sunset on the day that I went on the Helo... I don't think that I have ever seen anything so beautiful.
I also wanted to add that the Navy spanked the Army 42 to 23 and I have to say it was quite an event
One more thing and then I am done. I guess we aren't aloud to fly flags around the hospital, but you know us navy people. We are so stubborn that we thought of a more permanent way to should our devotion.