Wednesday, February 01, 2006

More Pictures!!!

So I finally decided that I would put more pictures up. After the constant hounding from a certain person:)
These are some pictres of my Helo ride. Pretty awesome!!! The pilots had some fuel to burn so they took us up and I was one of the lucky people to get to ride.

Here is a picture looking out the window of the HELO... the funny thing is, I am looking straight out if the helo. We are just turning so sharp that it looks like I am looking at the ground. It was pretty awesome, I haven't experienced anything quite like it before.

Here is a picture of the hospital from the helo, it looks small but we do pretty well.

This is a picture of the sunset on the day that I went on the Helo... I don't think that I have ever seen anything so beautiful.

I also wanted to add that the Navy spanked the Army 42 to 23 and I have to say it was quite an event

One more thing and then I am done. I guess we aren't aloud to fly flags around the hospital, but you know us navy people. We are so stubborn that we thought of a more permanent way to should our devotion.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures bro, i'm glad i finally got the address. (I lost the paper you wrote it down on, sorry Mrs. B!)

I'm glad you're doing good and I'll write more in the email I'm sending now too.



Anonymous said...

Hey next time try to spit out of the chooper while it's turning... maybe you can knock someone out and then go save em :)Yeah seriously, go Kara, if it weren't for her we wouldn't get to see your queer face so often :) haha Just messin bro, but can't wait to see ya. Later and take care

Greg and Sarah Breckley said...

WOW! Awesome pix! I am getting scared just seeing the PHOTO of that flight. Too high for us civilians, I guess. We love to see all of these fun and crazy things that you are doing...and then you wont have to tell AS many stories when you get home...I am sure we are all going to pounce on you with hundreds of questions when you return, for sure. Love and miss you, Sarah

Anonymous said...

Hi Brian,

Thanks for the new pictures. Yea Kara!! It's really fun to keep up with what you are getting to do over there.

Miss you, keep up the great work!

Love Ya, Aunt Becky

Anonymous said...

Hi Brian, thank you for sharing the pictures. We are so proud of you. Please just stay safe and we hope and pray you will get to come home soon.
Love Aunt Esther

Kelly said...

B, We miss you and are very proud of you. We love you and are praying for you and everyone on your side of the world! Love you,

Anonymous said...

Brian, Just wanted to say hello and I can't believe how much you have grown up. It's amazing how fast time has flown. I remember that little towheaded boy who could make me laugh no matter what, and sometimes that got me in trouble. :). I am so proud you. What a great young man you have grown up to be.
Speaking of growing up, Robbie and Brittany got married on January 28th. Didn't know if you knew.
No matter how you look at it, we are all getting old.
Take good care of you Brian, I love your Blog and can't wait to meet your girlfriend. She's a lucky young lady.
We love you B.

Anonymous said...

Bri -

It's always good to see what you are UP to.

We heard that Ken is in Kuwait awaitng his flight back to the U.S.A. But he is at a different base than you so you guys won't be able to hook up - unfortunately.

Jeff left yesterday to return to Kuwait to finish out his tour.

Keep the pics and descriptions coming - it helps us all feel like your not quite so far away.

Love you, miss you - and as always - very proud!
